Prices may vary by location. Longmont prices are listed below.

New Client Deals: To qualify, client must be new to Vertical Fusion studio. One offer per client. All sales final.
Autopay Contract Terms: By purchasing an autopay Limited or Unlimited Membership, you understand that you will be required to store a valid credit card on file and it will automatically be charged for your monthly membership tuition every month and indefinitely until/unless you cancel it. You agree to maintain a valid credit card on file for the entire contract period and you agree to notify Vertical Fusion LLC of any changes to your Vertical Fusion account or credit card on file in a timely manner. Your membership will activate on the date of purchase and will renew on the same day every month. You must notify Vertical Fusion LLC within 30 days of any billing errors on your bank/credit card statement. You are responsible for communicating with your bank in the event a billing error occurs. You must have official documentation from your financial institution to show proof of any billing errors. If you breach the terms of this Agreement (including, without limitation, failing to pay any amounts when due), VERTICAL FUSION LLC will terminate your membership and you will not be allowed to take classes until your debt is paid in full. Vertical Fusion LLC also reserves the right to take any and all legal debt collection actions permitted by law. If your card is declined, the system will automatically attempt the transaction on subsequent days and you will be charged a $25.00 fee each time it is declined. To cancel your membership, you must do so either online at least 3 days before your next payment date or we can cancel for you if request is submitted in writing at least 7 days prior to your next payment date. Memberships are not for any set duration so you may cancel at anytime. Because memberships are not contracted for a set duration, suspensions are not offered; instead just cancel your membership and renew your membership when you are able to return to classes. Memberships may not be downgraded mid-month but they may be upgraded.
Memberships, packages, and class prices are subject to change/cancellation by Vertical Fusion at any time. Please note that Vertical Fusion reserves the right to cancel classes for major holidays, special events, weather and other issues that are out of our control.
By proceeding with any membership purchase, you are entering into a contract with Vertical Fusion LLC, you agree with all of the terms of the contract, and you authorize Vertical Fusion, LLC to debit from your credit card on file for all amounts due to Vertical Fusion for your monthly membership, including any fees. Memberships are valid only at the location for which they were purchased and for designated class type(s) only. Unused classes in Limited Memberships do NOT carry over to the next month. Memberships are non-transferrable and may not be shared. All contract purchases are given a 72 hour grace period in which the contract can be terminated without penalty, however, redeemed classes will be deducted from the refund amount at the regular rate of $27 per class. NOTE: Before signing contracts or making purchases, please be aware that class schedules are always subject to change. Although we try our best to limit schedule changes, no guarantees are made in regards to what, when, or how many classes are offered at any given time, nor staffing changes. Our schedule is prone to change due to staffing, resources, seasons, demand, and government mandates. Furthermore, no guarantees are made in regards to class sizes; we allow sharing of apparatuses with a limit of two per apparatus. Lastly, be aware that sometimes classes have to be canceled for circumstances out of our control such as severe weather, illness, injury, etc.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made at least 6 hours prior to the class start time to be considered an "early cancel" and to avoid any forfeiture or penalties. If one cancels less than 6 hours prior to class start time, this is considered a late-cancel and is subject to forfeiture/penalties. If one simply does not show up for class, this is considered a no-show and is subject forfeiture AND possibly penalties if we could have filled your spot in class from a waitlist. In cases where someone is ill/contagious or has other emergent or extenuating circumstances, efforts should be made to notify us as soon as possible so we can try to fill your spot which could result in exemption of penalties.
All unlimited and limited members are subject to late-cancel and no-show fees as follows:
Unlimited Membership: If you late-cancel (6 hours or less before class start time) 3 or more times per month, you will be charged $20.00 to your card on file. If you no-show for a class, you will incur a $10.00 fee for each incidence, which will be charged to your card on file.*
Limited Membership: If you late cancel (6 hours or less before class start time), the class is forfeited. If you no-show, your class is forfeited and if the class had a waitlist, you will be charged a $10 fee in addition to forfeiting your class.*
*EXCEPTION TO LATE-CANCEL AND NO-SHOW POLICIES ABOVE: In the event we are subject to mandated capacity restrictions (i.e. COVID Pandemic), regardless of your membership type, you will be charged a $35 fee for late-cancels and no-shows if the class is waitlisted and we are unable to fill your spot due to lack of or late notification. THIS POLICY SUPERSEDES THE POLICIES ABOVE.